How to increase engagement on your restaurant's Facebook posts

Published 03.16.2019 - Last update 03.20.2019
ElTenedor aumentar el engagement de publicaciones de facebook marketing de restaurantes
Table of Contents
  1. Publish a variety of content
  2. Publish useful content
  3. Publish fun content
  4. Hold giveaways, since they multiply engagement
  5. Involve users
  6. Use current events
  7. Share positive opinions

If we talk about marketing for restaurants, then it's natural to talk about social networks and, of course, Facebook. If you have a restaurant business, then you might also have a page on this digital channel where you regularly publish content. Here are our key factors for increasing your brand's engagement and, of course, winning new fans on Facebook.

TheFork Marketing for restaurants How to increase engagement on your restaurant's Facebook posts Engagement: The degree to which users connect with your restaurant on social media. It is measured through the interaction that your posts receive, such as likes, comments, shares and clicks on links.

Would you like to have more customers interact with the content that you post on your restaurant's Facebook page? Follow these steps and you'll notice the difference:

Publish a variety of content

In essence, this is the main factor because when users are viewing their wall on Facebook, they expect to find content that evokes different feelings and surprises them. This is why it's so important to be creative and proactive in our restaurant's marketing campaigns.

Let's say that the bare minimum that would be expected from a restaurant's Facebook page is to consistently see the typical menu of the day post and some pictures of the most notable dishes. However, today's digital dynamics require you to keep up with users' needs and preferences,where curiosity and the element of surprise are crucial.

This is why it is very important to alternate content that is varied and in different formats, making it a priority if video posts are what generate the most engagement. Videos, videos, and more videos as well as succulent pictures of your food.

Publish useful content

And speaking of surprising users, one very effective way to do so is by publishing content that offers them value and that they will find useful. One type of content that captivates users the most are tutorial videos on how to prepare recipes.

Who better to provide it than a restaurant?

If you still have not made these types of posts, we encourage that you invest in them. You could try a series of posts that explain the 5 ways that salmon is prepared at your restaurant, for instance, and keep your followers engaged with this content and anticipating your next posts.

Publish fun content

Another thing that delights Facebook users are games and participating in challenges. You could publish trivia games with questions about food, ingredients, or recipes on your restaurant's page. It's even better if your games are related to your products, since they motivate users to inform themselves and learn about your food offerings.

For instance, you could post 3 pictures of your main dishes and a survey asking your followers which of the three has a specific ingredient, or which one pairs best with a specific drink, or which was the most frequently ordered dish in your restaurant last month, or even which one of these 3 dishes does your chef like the most.

Hold giveaways, since they multiply engagement

Yes, this is one of the most effective ways of generating engagement on Facebook, since we all want to win prizes and even more so if it's dinner at a restaurant.

Accordingly, we encourage you to hold sweepstakes where users have to "like" a post and mention 3 friends with whom they would like to eat at your restaurant, for instance. This type of campaign will not only increase engagement but also attract new followers and promote the restaurant.

Another option would be to publish an incredible video or picture of your best dessert and challenge your followers to share the post with other users for the chance to eat it for free at your restaurant.

Involve users

Followers also like to participate in brand building and to feel like they are a part of them. One great way to do so is by involving them in the creation of your food offering. You can use the same test format to ask them about what they would like to see on your next menu.

Posts where you ask your followers about what sauce they would prefer with a particular entree, which wine would they pair with a particular dish, their favorite dessert during a particular time of the year, etc. are also very appealing ideas. The interesting thing about this content is that, in addition to generating a high level of engagement, it also provides us with information on the tastes and preferences of our potential customers.

Use current events

Is it cold outside? Post content with succulent images or videos of your stews, soups, main courses, or recipes to attract your clients during winter. Is it hot outside? Do the same. Post an incredible image of your outdoor offering to invite your followers to enjoy your restaurant. Is it mother's day? It is the perfect time to publish a post about grandma's traditional recipes that you will prepare at your restaurant. Is it World Chocolate Day? Make delicious posts about that chocolate souffle that everyone was raving about at your restaurant.

In a nutshell, you should use current events to offer vibrant content that is tailored to the moment.

Share positive opinions

User opinions about their experience at your restaurant are essential content. If you receive positive comments on your Facebook page, take advantage of them! You can share the best opinions as posts on your wall and add an acknowledgment to the users who posted them.

The effect of doing so is threefold. First, you build your followers' confidence in the quality of your product when they read a positive opinion from an actual customer. Second, the customer who made the comment will become a loyal one.. And finally, it strengthens the restaurant's brand image.

How do you think your followers on Facebook would react if you publish this type of content? Try it out! You should include these kinds of campaigns in your your restaurant's marketing plan in order to increase engagement. After doing it consistently, you will definitely notice positive changes. Especially if your tables become increasingly filled.

And if you want to promote your restaurant on Instagram as well, Read the tips that we have prepared for you here.

Table of Contents
  1. Publish a variety of content
  2. Publish useful content
  3. Publish fun content
  4. Hold giveaways, since they multiply engagement
  5. Involve users
  6. Use current events
  7. Share positive opinions
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