How to stand out on TripAdvisor

If you have a restaurant and you're reading this article, you probably have a presence on TripAdvisor or at least want one. What's certain is that there are a few key steps to make your business stand out on the largest travel website in the world*. Take note of the following ways to succeed on this platform, and put getting clients to the ultimate test.
First: request or register your profile
Have you checked whether your business has a page on TripAdvisor? Sometimes clients create pages for restaurants by uploading images or posting their reviews. The first step is to access the management center (, type in the restaurant's name, and request the profile if one already exists, or register a new page if one does not. To protect ownership, you'll be asked for your credit card information, but this is only to verify your identity, as creating a profile is completely free.
Now you can get started!
Update your profile
From your computer, or from the iOS orAndroid app, you can edit all of your restaurant's visible information: name, contact information, location, photos, business hours, kitchen hours, prices, etc. by accessing the management center (
What happens if the restaurant changes owner? You can also change the owner of the account, including deleting photos and reviews from previous management, in order to start getting clients from scratch. To do this, you'll need to provide official proof of the change in ownership and complete some other steps. If this is your situation, you can access TripAdvisor's Help Center.
Increase your popularity on your TripAdvisor's ranking
The popularity ranking uses an algorithm that takes into account these variables:
Dates, quality, and quantity of comments the restaurant receives.The more recent positive comments, the better!
This means that correctly managing comments is very important!
Although replying to comments is not mandatory, and the quality of replies does not affect the algorithms, doing so creates a very positive impression for all users, which makes getting clients easier and thus increases the ranking.
Click here for a free template with the best responses to your clients' reviews
Creating authenticity and confidence
TripAdvisor carefully reviews comments before they are published to ensure that they meet certain standards and to verify their truthfulness. If the system detects something suspicious, it automatically alerts a team of specialists, who determine whether or not the comment follows the standards and avoids fraud.
That means you can be sure that the reviews your business receives are authentic!
Watch the video: “An opinion travels through TripAdvisor”
TripAdvisor also has policies and procedures to help owners deal with potential "extortion" from users. Some users may threaten to write negative comments unless they receive some kind of benefit. Report these cases using the management center ( to receive help from TripAdvisor's staff.
Want to delete a comment you've received? Although it's unusual, there are some cases where this is necessary, whether it's because the user has left a comment meant for a different restaurant, or because the comment was maliciously written by a competitor, etc. In any case, TripAdvisor's team of editors will make an evaluation and subsequently delete the comment.
In fact, it is important to remember that the following behaviors are penalized by TripAdvisor:
- For the owner to write positive comments about the restaurant or to ask family or friends to do so to increase its ranking.
- For the restaurant to offer discounts, incentives, or special treatment in exchange for positive reviews.
- Contracting third parties to publish false comments.
Of course, you can invite clients to publish comments on TripAdvisor, using the “Express Opinion” tool, for example, or on social media. That's what it's all about! But no business may force participation, or it will be penalized. This is to guarantee that the reviews are truly useful to users and that the restaurants' profiles have equal opportunity to compete.
More tools for getting clients.
In addition to authentic comments, TripAdvisor also offers other means of getting clients
-Stickers promoting the restaurant's presence on TripAdvisor.
-Business cards with the restaurant's TripAdvisor profile information.
-Certificates of Excellency to be displayed at your place of business and on your online profile.
Access these fantastic tools in the management center ( under "Free Tools".
There is one more tool that TripAdvisor automatically adds when a restaurant registers.
The online reservation button!
On TripAdvisor, TheFork's technology is used in the reservation system available to all restaurants with a presence on the website. It's an amazing advantage, since it allows users to make reservations directly, without leaving the platform. Have you tried it yet? Surely you have!
Now, if you already have a profile on TripAdvisor, and you're generating quality comments and benefiting from the reservations button and promotional tools, we invite you to the next level: Try TripAdvisor Premium, where you'll have access to more features that will make getting clients for you business easier.
Click here to try it now
Don't be left behind!
To learn more about managing your profile on TripAdvisor, visit the FAQ page.
*Source: comScore Media Metrix for TripAdvisor Sites, worldwide, October 2017.
Prueba hoy TheFork Manager
Más herramientas de captación de clientes
Para ayudar a los propietarios en la captación de clientes además de velar por garantizar la veracidad de los comentarios, TripAdvisor facilita otras herramientas como:
-Pegatinas promocionales que puedes colocar en la ventana de tu restaurante para animar a los clientes a dejar opiniones de tu restaurante en TripAdvisor.
-Tarjetas de visita con la información del perfil del restaurante en TripAdvisor.
-Certificados de excelencia para ser exhibidos en el local y en el perfil digital.
Adquiere estas fantásticas herramientas en el centro de gestión ( y accediendo a “herramientas gratuitas”.
Hay una herramienta más que TripAdvisor agrega de forma automática cuando se registra un restaurante:
¡El botón de reservas online!
La tecnología de The Fork está presente en TripAdvisor a través del motor de reservas disponible para todos los restaurantes que allí se anuncian. Una ventaja magnífica pues permite que los usuarios puedan reservar directamente sin tener que salir de la plataforma. ¿Lo has probado ya? ¡Seguramente!
Ahora bien, si ya tienes un perfil en TripAdvisor, estás generando comentarios de calidad y sacando provecho al botón de reservas y a las herramientas de promoción.
Estrategias avanzadas de optimización en TripAdvisor
Para conectar tu restaurante con millones de clientes y desmarcarte de tu competencia puedes acceder a herramientas avanzadas con TripAdvisor Premium. Los propietarios de restaurantes pueden, mediante una suscripción a TripAdvisor Premium, acceder a una amplia variedad de herramientas para la optimización del perfil como:
- Storyboard, que permite sustituir la imagen estática de la parte superior de tu perfil por un carrusel fotográfico.
- Las 3 razones principales para comer aquí, que permite añadir en tu perfil tres aspectos de su restaurante que quieres destacar.
- Opiniones favoritas, permite fijar una opinión que refleje en qué consiste de verdad una experiencia en tu restaurante.
- Fotos destacadas, permite mostrar diez de fotos y así poder enseñar detalles o aquello que consideres que es lo mejor de tu restaurante.
- Acceso a datos útiles, sobre el rendimiento de tu perfil, así como acceso a análisis de la competencia para ayudarte a tomar decisiones de negocio.
Te invitamos a ir al siguiente nivel: Probar TripAdvisor Premium, donde tendrás a tu disposición estas funcionalidades que te ayudarán a tener una mejor captación de clientes para tu negocio.
Conclusión: Optimiza tu perfil de TripAdvisor y destaca entre la competencia
Sorprender a un cliente una vez que llega a tu restaurante sólo depende de ti y seguro que has puesto mucho mimo y tiempo para conseguir esto. Pero ¿y si ese cliente no llega o quieres que lleguen más clientes?. El primer reto que como propietario de un restaurante necesitas superar es que los clientes te encuentren, que atraviesen la puerta de tu restaurante.
El primer paso en este camino es aparecer en los resultados de búsquedas de la comunidad más grande de viajeros, TripAdvisor, pero los clientes tienen mucho dónde elegir por eso necesitas destacar entre la multitud. ¡No esperes más para atraer a más comensales a tu restaurante desde hoy mismo! Optimiza tu perfil en TripAdvisor y empieza a incrementar tus oportunidades para captar clientes.
Para conocer más información sobre la gestión de tu perfil en TripAdvisor consulta las preguntas frecuentes - FAQ aquí.
*Fuente: comScore Media Metrix for TripAdvisor Sites, worldwide, Octubre 2017.