Mother's Day in your restaurant: increase your reservations

Published 03.11.2022 - Last update 06.14.2024
mother at restaurant

May means Mother's Day: an event no restaurant should miss. Mother's Day is the perfect occasion to boost your reservations and attract families to your restaurant, particularly through a special menu. It's a great occasion to offer your customers a special new selection of food and drink. TheFork has outlined some tips to help you best capitalise on the potential of Mother's Day:

Offer an exceptional Mother's Day ambiance and menu to draw more reservations to your restaurant!

  • Offer a custom Mother's Day menu in your restaurant

A three-course prix-fixe menu is a must! Offer a festive menu and consider including a kids' menu for families. Don't forget the mums! You can pay them special attention by presenting them with a rose or a glass of champagne.




  • Create a family atmosphere

There's nothing like celebrating Mother's Day in a cozy, family atmosphere. Emphasize elegant table settings, relaxing background music, and a sweetly scented interior. Avoid overly "showy" decorations, and choose a refined approach to offer all the mothers who come to you a fresh, flower-filled ambiance.


  • Share your Mothers' Day offer on your restaurant's social media channels

In order to raise awareness of this event, post your Mother's Day menu as well as your restaurant's decorations on your Instagram page, a very useful marketing tool for restaurant owners. Let your followers participate by choosing a Mother's Day menu from several options. And think about hashtags! #restaurant #mothersday #mum #food #foodstagram #gastronomy. You can also create a Facebook event, which will encourage viral sharing and add significant word-of-mouth promotion. Don't forget about Pinterest, another great opportunity for restaurant owners. In fact, cooking and food are among the most-searched topics on this social media network. Sharing photos of your restaurant on Pinterest is a good way to lead potential customers to your site. Read our article on social media to avoid common mistakes on your restaurant's channels.


  • Invite your customers

Personally inviting your regular customers is a good way to fill up your dining room on Mother's Day. To do this, you can send your customers a newsletter announcing the event and the menu you're planning for the occasion. They'll feel special and will probably choose your establishment to celebrate Mother's Day.


  • A high-impact, distinctive concept

Many customers like to celebrate different events with exceptional experiences that are unique, or at least out of the ordinary. We suggest doing just that by offering your customers a distinctive concept for the weekend. It could be a brunch, a festive event, or even a little concert. Musicians could create a lively ambiance for the weekend, which also incites passers-by to come in to your restaurant. Offering entertainment could also justify increasing the prices on your menu for the weekend.


  • Offer a discount on TheFork website.

Offer a Mother's Day discount on TheFork website to boost your reservations on this special day and bring in several tables of families.


  • Smooth service

Once you've done all the work to attract customers, make sure to offer optimal service to your guests. We recommend hiring additional staff for Mother's Day weekend. Smooth, organized service will make your clients even more satisfied. It's mum's special day, and you should pull out all the stops to make her happy... Just as you would for your mum!

Mother's Day is an occasion for you to offer a unique and unforgettable experience to families, which will leave them with a positive impression of your restaurant and make them want to come back again and again. So is your restaurant ready to celebrate Mother's Day?

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