How to deal with restaurant closure in Covid context

Published 01.10.2021 - Last update 06.28.2024
How to deal with restaurant closure in Covid context
Table of contents
  1. TheFork supports its restaurateurs to cope with closure 
  2. Try out our PRO version now

TheFork supports its restaurateurs to cope with closure 

Given the latest Covid-19 evolution,( COUNTRY) had to take new health & safety  measures impacting both TheFork users and our restaurant partners. In order to meet both new diners’ needs and restaurants expectations, TheFork has taken some new initiatives. 

Thinking about activating Delivery and Takeaway for your restaurant?

We are currently sharing a survey to our restaurateurs working with TheFork to know which restaurants will be willing to activate takeaway and delivery options for their clients..The promotion of these services will be offered to restaurants and promoted by TheFork through specific campaigns and selections directly onTheFork website & app completely free of charge; while orders and logistics will be managed independently by the restaurants themselves.

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How will the user know that the restaurant  offers delivery ?

The restaurants already working with TheFork will be able to add a dedicated “delivery”button on their restaurant page directly on TheFork so that users can contact them directly by phone to make an order.

What about TakeAway?

TheFork teams are always committed to help restaurant owners get back on track and we believe that using the Takeaway feature will help them generate extra revenue.

In addition, using EasyPreOrders free feature to offer your clients Takeaway service enables you to both tackle restaurant capacity constraints due to covid 19 and counterbalance lower demand. 

To make it short, EasyPreOrders’ Takeaway tool is:

  • A free* service offered by TheFork to support restaurant business
  • A simple tool to use and manage thanks to track orders, instant payment and 100% responsive Web App
  • A convenient option for both restaurant and users lever to increase your revenue visible on your website, social networks,tripadvisor and google listing

Learn more about EasyPreOders here >>

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Be creative on your Delivery & Takeaway menus

If you choose to keep your kitchen up and running, you do have opportunities to still attract dinners by offering them a tasteful menu available for delivery and/or takeaway. Keep it short to manage your stocks & costs but think about popular recipes to satisfy your customers. People are looking for comfort food in this challenging time so if your chef is great at Burgers, pizza or pasta add them to your menu. Since a lot of customers are working from home, also think about a nice healthy lunch offer ( salad bar, today’s special, homemade soup …) packaged with a drink and/or a dessert, a convenient and complete offer to seduce your clientèle on work days.

Which features on TheFork Manager can be really useful for your reopening

Given this challenging time, TheFork teams are more than ever committed to support restaurants and help them maintain their business. Our restaurant partners can now activate booking widgets on their social media pages and hence benefit from bookings coming from Instagram & Facebook; 2 extra booking channels to multiply your bookings with zero commission applied.

In addition, key features on TheFork Manager PRO and PRO+ are now available for free until September 2021  to help restaurants adapt to the new health & safety standards while reassuring users and allowing them to still enjoy pleasant moments at the restaurant. Discover more tips here >> .


We know that closing a restaurant, even though it’s temporary, is heartbreaking and stressful, however rest assured that TheFork teams stand by you and that your loyal customers will keep coming back to support your restaurant.


Try out our PRO version now

software is free for the first 6 months
Table of contents
  1. TheFork supports its restaurateurs to cope with closure 
  2. Try out our PRO version now
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