Discover the most refreshing cocktails for summer 2019

This summer's most refreshing cocktails are not new twists on old classics, nor are they drinks with the highest alcohol percentage. Just the opposite, in 2019 original, healthier and simpler cocktails are taking over, as a consequence of the dramatic shift in consumption habits we've been experiencing for some years now in the sector.
According to this trend, do you know what the best combinations of spirits, spices and fruits are to keep customers coming back for more?? Is the bartender at your establishment already making today's most appealing drinks? Serve up your favorite cocktail and enjoy this refreshing list.
Fruit cocktails. Cocktail recipes setting the trend for summer 2019 include include fruit, such as watermelon, which is very refreshing and pairs amazingly with spirits such as vodka and rum. Passion fruit, strawberries and mandarins are also perfect fruits for making cocktails this season.
Coffee cocktails. Along the same line of everyday ingredients, cocktails based on iced coffee are in, using the intense flavor of the coffee. mixed with sweet liqueurs. You can prepare these with crushed ice or as a slush.
Bar Hemingway at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, which makes cocktails with different combinations of ingredients, based on the characteristics of the customers' zodiac signs. Another very interesting option is to create a surprise cocktail, the ingredients of which are a secret until the customers try it. You can offer it as a welcome drink at summer dinners and cheer up your customers as soon as they arrive.
Original house cocktails. Creativity is also highly valued this season, and restaurants with one-of-a-kind cocktails stand out. Like thebartender can create drinks based on what your table guests are in the mood for at a given moment.. A drier, sweeter, bubblier, creamier cocktail, and this way you provide a personalized experience suited to each customer's tastes.
Personalized cocktails. Pleasing customers according to their tastes is what guarantees full tables at today's restaurants. If we turn to mixology, in summer 2019 yourKombucha cocktails. This drink is causing quite the sensation in the food sector, and now it's also coming to the world of mixology to create cocktails with refreshing flavors that are well suited for healthy trends. Made from fermented tea, kombucha goes amazingly with spirits like whiskey and rum, for example, so you can surprise our Millennial customers this summer with this option.
wine, sherry or Campari, combined with citrus or red fruits such as raspberries or morello cherries.
Red cocktails. If we're talking about colors, red, which by itself is already appealing and came into vogue in 2018, continues to be a favorite with customers. The foundation of your red cocktails can be vermouth,Green cocktails. In this case, it's not about the color of the cocktails, but rather the green, healthier, natural ingredients such as vegetables and leafy greens. A cocktail made of cucumber, a quintessentially refreshing vegetable, combined with club soda, mint and gin, can be an excellent option for your menu this summer.
Cocktails with natural sweeteners. Again, if we're thinking of customers who follow health trends, it's ideal to offer some sugar-free cocktails. Such as a mojito made with honey or date syrup instead of refined sugar, for example. The taste is obviously different, but it can also be an equally delicious and very appealing option.
Cocktails with ginger. Ginger is an ingredient used often to create vibrant cocktails with a touch of spice because its sweetness and intensity pairs really well with spirits such as rum and brandy, or champagne. Beers with ginger are also an excellent foundation for a refreshing, potent cocktail.
And to sell your cocktails appropriately at your restaurant this summer, we recommend you have a separate menu with all of your offerings, adverstise them with very visual promotion on Instagram, and, of course, publish them on your restaurant's profile on TheFork. Still not part of our community? Click here and join now. Your tables will notice it this summer. Cheers!