How to handle Valentine’s Day for your restaurant in 2021

Published 01.27.2021 - Last update 06.14.2024
Valentine’s Day 2021

Valentine’s Day used to be THE best time of the year to boost your restaurant occupancy and revenue. However, Covid-19 is making every plan more complicated and due to the latest government regulations, your restaurant might still be closed or open with strict limitations and maybe not open for dinner.

In order not to miss this business opportunity, TheFork has different scenarios, that are easy to apply for your restaurant to handle Valentine’s Day.

Your restaurant is closed to the public but your kitchen is up and running? 

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Have a brainstorm with your chef and propose a Valentine's Day special menu available for takeaway and/or delivery, it’s definitely a good way to seduce diners who are dreaming about a great romantic dinner made by a chef that they can enjoy in the intimacy of their home. Check out our article dedicated to TakeAway and Delivery HERE to inspire you.

It might also be the occasion to create love baskets with ingredients made to satisfy the palate of the lovers within the comfort of their sofa (e.g. desserts, chocolate, champagne, easy-to-cook recipies). 

And, if you are part of TheFork you will be able to upload your special TakeAway/Delivery menu directly in your profile to promote it everywhere! Go to your system HERE to upload it now.

Your restaurant is open? Seize this opportunity to attract more diners! 

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People are so eager to go back to the restaurant to celebrate with their loved ones, that is why Valentine’s Day in 2021 is more than ever the perfect occasion to attract diners to your restaurant. Here’s a checklist to nail this celebration and boost your restaurant’s business.

  • Update your availabilities and your restaurant capacity on TheFork Manager Here
  • Upload your Special Menu on your restaurant page thanks to the  PDF feature
  • Consider a nice promotion to seduce more potential diners

If your restaurant is open for Valentine’s Day and you’re looking for some inspiration, have a look at our 10 tricks to make your restaurant perfect for Valentine’s Day.

Your restaurant is closed but might reopen for Valentine's Day? 

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Make sure you are ready for your reopening by following our tips HERE and get inspired by the above checklist. Also, check out our blog post dedicated to how to diversify your offer to generate more revenue. And start updating your availability and uploading your Valentine’s Menu on TheFork Manager to enable your clients to make a booking from today. Go to your system HERE to get ready!


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